I took this picture at #Gettysburg. This was, to me, the most poignant memorial I saw there, showing both a Union and Confederate soldier - both sons of Maryland a State which had soldiers fighting on both sides of the US Civil war. These men spoke the same language, worshipped the same God, and lived in the same State. Today is Remembrance Sunday in the UK, and Armistice Day in many other countries. A day when we take time to remember those that served to defend the freedom of others, especially those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. Here in the US it is called Veterans Day (changed from Armistice Day in 1954) honoring military veterans who served in the US Armed Forces. The Western world seems to be creating an ever greater divide between left and right, whether that is Brexit in the UK, or Democrats vs Republicans here in the US. I hope that the increase in media channels and publishing methods which can lead to promoting extreme points of view can also allow opinions to shared and yes, vented. I hope that around the shouting there is also dialogue and that we never again need to create any momentums to new conflicts. To those that have served and those that continue to preserve the safety and freedom of my loved ones and way of life - thank you.

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