Quick #tristatetour last week #mn #wi #il
My first time in a US country club The University Club of Milwaukee.
Half a day of sales consulting, 3 presentations about #internationalbusiness, and one workshop. Thank you Geogroup, #mitatrade and #bmamilwaukee! #exportingisgreat
#minnesota really is #thestateofnice. First time TSA made me feel like a welcome visitor rather than a suspect - thank you mspairport! Then onto Madison - huge sandwiches and an ATM to recycle your old phone!
Crazy views from lakeside house, Milwaukee bay, and Chicago hotel.
Food revolved heavily around #cheese. First time for #cheesecurds and soon found they, like most everything else, taste better deep fried! And at $2 all week from culvers it was rude not to. #lifesbetterwithcheddar #wisconsincheesecurds. Discovered #frozencustard is ice-cream made with eggs; and #grilledcheesesandwhich is really pan fried with butter (and mayonnaise if you want). loumalnatis for awesome #chicagodeepdishpizza
#GoBadgers #jumparound multispeed #mexicanwave #football equipment from the 40’s
Thanks to Diane for #mylongestUber 147 miles Madison to #chicago.
Great to be at my third nedawalk in #chicago!
And huge thanks to Geo Group hosting me.
Sorry lukerogers74 bulletproofcoaching mscperformance #nogymlastweek #Imgonnapayforthat!