5 coach approved PRs in #powerlifting and #olympiclifting. I finished first cycle of 16 week program with #lukerogersstrengthandfitnesscoach luke_rogers_74 at mscperformance. First 4 weeks were a disaster because of work and travelling. New PBs: squat 125kg/275lbs, (14% increase), bench 83kg/183lbs (11%), deadlift 145kg/320lbs (9%). Missed 130kg squat on depth, missed 150kg deadlift because #iwillgetitnexttime. Luke's programming has improved my strength, mobility, and confidence, and it has with #olympiclifting although bulletproofcoaching still needs #thepatienceofasaint! Looking forward to next 16 weeks and 140, 92, 160! -------------- #mscperformance #dawglifting #teamluke #boyzofmsc #mscwhereyouliftlikeagirlisacompliment #lukerogersstrengthandfitnesscoach #lukeapproved #herewegofolks #powerlifting #squat #bench #deadlift #strengthtraining #pbday #competingagainstmyself #LaboreetConstantia #hardworkandconsistency #kraftdreikampf #kraftraining #kraftsport #Kniebeugen, #Bankdrücken #Kreuzheben #Пауэрлифтинг #силовымтроеборьем #Приседания #Становая тяга #Жимлёжа #Штанга #Силовойтренинг #举重 #力量举 #举重 #蹲举 #仰卧推举 #硬举

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